Sunday 17 January 2010

6. The ebony child

1900: Cairo, Egypt, during the golden years of Egyptian Jewry, the daughter of a prominent Jewish family Farha who married Shimon Nakash son of another wealthy family gives birth to a black son Solomon, born without the Mila (prepuce).
According to what is said, this only happens once in a million times, indicating that the boy will be a genius.

As a result of this fediha, scandal, her in-laws who consider she has betrayed their son reject her! Her family knows she is without fault.
Consequently a feud results between the two families.
Who will crush the other?

However the Ebony child growing in beauty and intelligence with the precious gift of healing will be considered as a redeemer and protector of the Jewish Community.
The Community turns against the groom’s family. Every time they leave their home, Jews spit on them and their life becomes unbearable.
The child’s grandparents believe that one day he will be the chief Rabbi of Egyptian Jews.
Solomon in the Bible was a wise man, or so they tell us, will this Solomon also be one?


  1. Through this exquisite love story and thriller, the author is bringing to life the delicious atmosphere of a bygone époque, when the Jews of Egypt enjoyed the pleasures of a smooth and easygoing life. The rich bourgeoisie of Sakakini, the famous "dallala", the sumptuous wedding at Shaar Hashamayim Synagogue, the sex-taboo, and the bride's escape back to her parents… Then, the "fadiha", when the young bride, Farha, gives birth to the Ebony child…
    Sultana Latifa at her best !

  2. Rhéa Amelon Valascakis28 January 2010 at 07:03

    C’est l’Egypte qui nous colle à notre peau, pâle ou colorée dans toute sa réalité avec les lois de Mendel à l’appuie.
    L’amour défie souvent l’ordre établi dans la croyance des choses en créant l’évènement imprévu qui finalement parvient à être accepté par tous.
    A lire avec intérêt !!!
